Would you kneel down in front of my work? // Who is talking to whom? Who listens, who says? Do we understand the same after reading the same words? Do you understand what I want you to? // Jan Vermeer made just 35 paintings. Most of them were done on the same space, his studio. Why that particular space? Was it special for him or was it just the easiest? // Mozart’s Requiem (piece of music composed especially for a funeral) speeded up 4 times. A road trip recorded at the dusk. // The way we love, understand, like, feel, look after or teach can be, sometimes, considered as a violent act.
Click on images for larger view.
"Who's Afraid"
Video 11'26''
"Vermeer's Space" from E Montejano on Vimeo.
"Vermeer's Space (animation)"
Video 2'' (loop)
"Vermeer's Space 1, 2 and 3"
23x20cm aprox, print on glossy paper
"Requiem" from E Montejano on Vimeo.
Video, 2'24''
"If You Like It It's All Right"
Transparent silicone on glossy varnished board 70x50 cm."Fight Back"
Latex on wall, 30x50 aprox.